The Faculty of Economics and Business University of Indonesia officially signed an Agreement of Implementation (AoI) of strategic collaboration with the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in the Djokosoetono Room, Faculty of Economics and Business, UI Depok. The AoI agreement is a collaboration agreement in the Tri Dharma of...Read More
Forensic expert, Adjunct Police Commissioner, dr. Leonardo, Sp. FM., received a Doctorate degree in Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia. In his dissertation, dr. Leonardo presented the topic of the potential of fat tissue as a candidate sample that could be used in the identification process in suicide bombing cases. Suicide bombings are...Read More
After successfully beating more than 900 participants, three students from the Continuing Education Program (CEP)–Center for Computing and Information Technology (CCIT) Faculty of Engineering UI won 3rd place in the Cloud Track competition in the Huawei ICT Competition 2023 Indonesia. Muhammad Nabiel Rayhan Falaah, Muhammad Husain Al Ghazali, and Aurio Hendrianoko Rajaa won awards after...Read More