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Sosialisasi PerBAN-PT BPMA UI.

Presenting the BAN-PT Executive Board, BPMA held socialization regarding PEMUTU

Depok, BPMA UI – BPMA UI held a PerBAN-PT socialization regarding PEMUTU on Tuesday (05/03) together with the BAN-PT Executive Board, Prof. Dr. Slamet Wahyudi, S.T., M.T. as a resource person. BPMA carried out socialization activities to provide information regarding PerBAN-PT No. 1 of 2024 concerning Amendments to PerBAN-PT Number 10 of 2023 concerning Reporting...
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Acara RDP kedua draf standar mutu UI.

BPMA Held Second RDP on UI Quality Standards with University Leaders

BPMA UI held a meeting (RDP) to discuss the draft quality standards on Monday (19/02/2024). University directors and work unit leaders attended the meeting. This was the second meeting held by BPMA UI, while the first RDP was conducted with directors and work unit representatives in November 2023. The process of updating UI quality standards...
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