Universitas Indonesia (UI) as one of the higher education institutions that fully supports Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program and whom the government relies on in overcoming the current problems of higher education received a visit from Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) for a comparative study. This activity focuses on implementing the MBKM program and Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) as well as collaborating with foreign universities.
UI Secretary dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., said that there are several conditions that must be met in formulating the best graduates. “The development of student facilities is expected to increase mobility and independent learning. This MBKM activity creates freedom for students to explore skills according to their interests and talents,” said Dr. Agustin.
In addition, this learning activity is structured by considering the competencies that must be met by students. In its implementation, there are several obstacles, such as academic load, credit transfer, cooperation with partners, and others. Therefore, UI built an Independent Learning Center (CIL) to overcome a number of these obstacles.
In relation to this, Head of CIL UI F. Astha Ekadiyanto shared his experiences while building this platform. According to him, the key to implementing independent learning is greatly influenced by the readiness and enthusiasm of students in carrying out this program. In addition, assistance is also needed from faculties, study programs, and lecturers who are integrated in facilitating learning activities on and off campus.
“MBKM requires the campus to adjust the curriculum and credits to perform learning and work. Students must be able to include proof of work such as certification, logbooks, and portfolios in assessing student output in their implementation,” said Astha.
CIL UI is the center of MBKM activities which are also available in the form of applications and websites that function like a marketplace in creating opportunities for study programs and faculties to offer industrial work practices. The existence of this system allows the university to monitor student interests and data and expand access to education.
In addition, CIL UI also works closely with Coursera in providing classes that can be followed and become learning outcomes. Coursera also offers various levels from basic to advanced. With this, it will be convenient for students to transfer credits because the classes can be accessed online. The development of CIL also functions in forming an independent system so that when there is a change in policy, UI can independently continue this program.
Meanwhile, regarding the learning program through student exchange, which is IISMA, UI already has a student exchange program where students are proactive in registering themselves at partner universities. This is what IISMA has adopted by providing various study options at various foreign universities. UI has a showcase that contains independent learning options in the form of a wide selection of courses. That way, the campus can observe the student’s interests so that this data can further be the consideration for students in measuring the probability of acceptance.
At the session, Director for Development of Academic Resources and Learning UI Drs. Gatot F. Hertomo M.Sc, Ph.D. and Head of International Affairs Office drg. Baiduri Widanarko, M.KKK, Ph.D. were present. This comparative study was held at University Central Administration Building, UI Depok Campus, on Monday (20/3) ,with the aim of strengthening the relationship between the two campuses in producing good quality human resources.
Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs UNNES Prof. Dr. Zaenuri, S.E., M.Sc., Akt., said “Our purpose in this comparative study is to learn and find inspiration and provision for students in the industry.” Therefore, UNNES is trying to improve its reputation through learning by taking cultural values, art, and the environment that are sustainable in the long term.
Author: Anjaini | Editor: Maudisha