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Doctor of Political Science (S3)

Universitas Indonesia > S3 > Doctor of Political Science (S3)

Doctor of Political Science

Course Description

Objective of the Political Science Doctoral Program:

  • To produce a Doctor of Political Science with a high competence who is able to use the knowledge and skills in his expertise field to solve complex nation/state problems, including those that require a cross-disciplinary approach, and are able to compete in the international world.
  • Produce graduates who have the knowledge and basic abilities on the science and technical skills needed to adapt and/or create new methodologies.
  • Produce graduates who master theories, concepts and paradigms in accordance with their expertise so that they can be open and responsive to the development of science, culture and technology as well as problems that exist in society.
  • Produce graduates who are able to communicate their thoughts and work with groups of experts in their field and a wider audience.


Entrance to the Political Science Doctoral Program is taken through SIMAK UI written examination.

Tuition Fee

Based on the UI Education Fee Decree in 2022

Education fees for Political Science Doctoral Program consist of a Development Fund (DP)

which is paid only once when entering the program

  • Reguler Rp14.000.000,-
  • Non-Indonesian Citizen Rp27.000.000,-

Education Operational Cost (Fee) paid every semester:

  • Reguler Rp18.000.000,-
  • Non-Indonesian Citizen Rp47.000.000,-


Student Admission

Information about requirements, pathways, and the mechanism for new students registration at Universitas Indonesia

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