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Doctorate (S3) of Philosophy

Universitas Indonesia > S3 > Doctorate (S3) of Philosophy

Doctorate of Philosophy

Course Description

The Philosophy Postgraduate / Doctoral Programme aims to produce scholars, researchers, and thinkers capable of comprehensively grasping scientific issues of society, values, ethics, and contemporary social constructs in order to advance humanity and bring forth “enlightment of thought”. The missions of this programme, viz. comprehensiveness (in methodology), transparency (in analysis), and concern (in ethics), always exist in unison in the aforemention context.

Admissionto the Philosophy Doctoral Programme is obtained through SIMAK UI, a written examination.

Tuition Fee

An Operational Tuition Fee (BOP) is payable each semester, amounting to Rp13.000.000,00.

and a Developmental Fund (DP) payable only once on admission, amounting to Rp 14.000.000,00.


Student Admission

Information about requirements, pathways, and the mechanism for new students registration at Universitas Indonesia

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