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Islamic Economics (S1)

Universitas Indonesia > S1 > Islamic Economics (S1)

Islamic Economics

Course Description

The Islamic Economics Bachelor Programme aims to develop sciences and theories of economics focusing on fulfilling human needs, both material and moral/spiritual, in a comprehensive manner, while preserving them by using conventional and Islamic approaches, integrating both in an comparative analytical approach. This approach utilises a plurality of methods: moral, fiqh (jurisprudential), economical, business and financial, political, and historical, with a primary focus aiming on economical and business sciences. Graduates of Islamic Economics are expected to be capable of keeping track of the most recent developments on Islamic economics and related skills, performing research integrating conventional and Islamic economics, and understanding and explaining phenomena of economical significance in society using concepts, theories, and instruments found in Islamic economics.

This study program is only opened to the Regular Undergraduate education program with a quota of 50% from the invitation route, namely SNMPTN, and 50% from the written exam, namely SBMPTN and SIMAK-UI.

Tuition Fee

Based on the UI Rector Decree No. 406/SK?R/UI/2021

Regular S1 education fees are paid according to the ability of the cost bearer. The payment scheme is called the Equitable Education Operational Cost (E-EOC). E-EOC ranges from Rp 100.000 to Rp 5.000.000. For regular undergraduates, as of 2013, there is no entry fee. This is because the entry fee is subsidized by the government through the Operational Assistance of State Universities. UI uses the Single Tuition Fee payment system where students pay the unit fee for education that has been determined by the study program and is no longer charged per credit.

Based on the UI Education Fees Decree in 2022

For non-foreign nationals, Parallel undergraduate education costs are fixed. The Operational Tuition fee amounts to Rp 15.000.000,- each semester, while the entrance fee amounts to Rp 34.000.000,-.

The fees for parallel undergraduates for foreign nationals are also fixed. The Operational Tuition fee amounts to Rp 15.000.000,- each semester, while the entrance fee amounts to Rp 34.000.000,-.


Gedung B, 1st floor, Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Economics
UI Depok Campus
Depok City, West Java 16424

Tel: (021) 7272425, 7272646 (hunting) 78886252 (direct)
Fax. : (021) 7863559
Url :

Student Admission

Information about requirements, pathways, and the mechanism for new students registration at Universitas Indonesia

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