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Master in Hospital Administration (Magistrate)

Universitas Indonesia > S2 > Master in Hospital Administration (Magistrate)

Master in Hospital Administration

Course Description

The Hospital Administration Study Program aims to produce graduates with profiles as leaders, managers, researchers, educators, and consultants who are competent in the fields of communication, hospital management & business, hospital systems, leadership, and professionalism.

Graduates from the Master in Hospital Administration have competence in the fields of communication, hospital management & business, hospital systems, leadership, and professionalism. In addition, graduates of the Master in Hospital Administration also have the following abilities:

1. Capability to develop knowledge, technology, and or art in the scientific field of hospital administration/management and/or professional practice.

2. The ability to manage hospital organization and management effectively and efficiently.

3. Able to solve operational, scientific, technological, and/or art problems in the field of hospital administration/management science through an inter or multidisciplinary approach.

4. Capable of managing scientific research and development that is beneficial to the community, especially in the field of hospital administration/management, and is able to gain national and international recognition.

Tuition Fee

Based on UI Rector Regulation No. 4 of 2021

The operational cost of education paid every semester is Rp.14,000,000.

The Development Fund paid at the beginning of registration is Rp.8,500,000.



Building B 1st Floor, FPH UI Depok
Phone/ Fax : (+6221) 7864975 / 7864979
Website :
Email :
Study Program Address:
Building F 1st Floor FPH UI, Depok, West Java 16424
No. Phone: (+6221) 7864974
No. Fax: (021) 7867370

Student Admission

Information about requirements, pathways, and the mechanism for new students registration at Universitas Indonesia

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