Long before environmental issues became a concern, Universitas Indonesia (UI) founded UI Urban Forest in 1983, initiated by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sambas Wirahadikusumah, M.Sc., a lecturer at UI. Through the introduction of the first urban forest development concept with study
case of “Development of Urban Forests in DKI Jakarta” in pilot project Construction of the Green Crown of the UI Campus Urban Forest in collaboration with the Department of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. Then, it was appointed by the Governor of DKI Jakarta through a decree Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 3487 of 1999 about the Establishment of the UI Urban Forest.
UI Urban Forest is divided into three areas: West Wales, East Wales, and Natural Vegetation. It was divided based on the origin identity of the flora found. West Wales is dominated by flora from west Indonesia of the Wallacea Line, while East Wales is dominated by east Indonesia of the Wallace Line. Meanwhile, the Natural Vegetation area is dominated by endemic flora found on Java island, especially in West Java and DKI Jakarta.
The green area at this campus is still sustained. It outweighs the building area with a ratio of 70:30. As the global community commemorates World Forest Day, UI is thankful for the presence of a forest at campus amidst Depok urban life, which not only functions to produce oxygen, but also as an ecological balance and provider of human needs, plants, and animals.
Head of UPT Security, Safety, Health and Environment (K3L) UI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sjahrul Meizar Nasri, M.Sc., said the UI Urban Forest is not just a green area. Rather, it serves as a vehicle for collecting and conservating germplasm and territory of the Ciliwung River Watershed (DAS) water catchment. Its presence protects biodiversity, especially the typical flora, and contributes significantly to preserving the environment and regional hydrological systems.
Furthermore, Prof. Sjahrul said that UI City Forest not only focuses on
conservation but also acts as a multifunctional city forest. “Innovation includes development into a Tourist Urban Forest and an educational center for UI students and from outside the university. With this, UI City Forest also activates social and educational roles for the wider community, creating harmony between nature conservation and
sustainable use,” said Prof. Sjahrul.
The contribution of the UI Forest brings a sustainable environment to the global level through the GreenMetric World University Rankings UI. UI GreenMetric was established in 2010 with a mission to inspire and encourage universities worldwide to prioritize environmental sustainability and sustainability in university policies and operations. There are 1183 universities from 84 countries in the world registered in the UI GreenMetric network.
Chair of UI GreenMetric Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari M.M., M.Sc., said that UI GreenMetric seeks to encourage initiatives aimed at promoting a responsible global environment. “UI GreenMetric is determined to expand and make influences by continuing to build national and international collaboration for meaningful change in preserving the world’s ecosystem,” said Prof. Riri.