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UI Ranks the Same as Harvard and Stanford Universities

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Universitas Indonesia, Harvard University and Stanford University ranked the same in the world programming competition.

This achievement was inscribed by the students of the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) at the prestigious World Programming Computing Machinery International Contest (ACM ICPC) 2019 competition.

They are Muhammad Ayas Dzulfikar (Computer Science, 2015), Degoldie Sonny (Computer Science, 2016), and Inigo Ramli (Computer Science, 2018) and accompanied by Denny Ph.D. as a supervisor. These three students were ranked 21st (compressed rank by number of problem solved) along with Harvard University, Stanford University, and 17 other universities in the world. The final ACM ICPC 2019 event will take place on March 31 – April 5 2019 in Porto, Portugal.

ACM ICPC is a computer programming competition that is followed by universities in the world. Each team consisting of three students tried to solve computational problems and algorithms that must be resolved within a predetermined time within five hours non-stop. The three UI students managed to solve the given programming problems and won 815 points based on ICPC World Finals scoreboard records.

UI students managed to continue their struggle to the world level after winning regional selection first in the Asia Pacific region. At the world level final, there were 135 teams from various countries participating in the competition. This achievement is certainly not free from hard work and thorough and consistent preparation carried out by the UI students. It is hoped that this effort will further enhance the good name of UI in particular and Indonesia in the international arena as well as further increasing the ranks of the nation’s international achievements.

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