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UI Vocational Wins in National Level Academic Quiz Competition

Universitas Indonesia > News > News Highlights > UI Vocational Wins in National Level Academic Quiz Competition

The vocational program aims to prepare a skilled and competent workforce in their field of expertise, so that graduates are ready to work and able to compete globally. Even though vocational education focuses on mastery of skills and practice, they are also equipped with academic competence.

This can be seen from the achievements achieved by Shiddiq Rahman and Putri Carollina Yusuf, students of the Vocational Education Program at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) who placed themselves in second place in the National Level Smart-Cermat Competition, which was held online. This competition is organized by the School of Health Sciences (STIKES) Yayasan RS Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya, in commemoration of the 8th Anniversary, last Friday (24/3/2022).

“As students of the Hospital Administration Study Program, we are very helpful when competing. We can answer various kinds of case studies given through essays, because there are many courses related to these case studies. Some of them are Health Insurance and National Health Insurance (JKN), Hospital Accreditation, Patient Safety, Maintenance of Hospital Facilities, and others,” said Putri.

Putri and Shiddiq competed with more than ten teams from various universities in Indonesia. Both of them made it through the preliminary round which consisted of five essay questions, the final round in the form of multiple choice, and various quick questions given by the jury.

Shiddiq said that the quiz competition he participated in with Putri was a form of applying the learning outcomes he received in class. “This quiz competition in hospital administration has challenged Putri and I to try it. Moreover, because quiz competitions in this field are rare and are held nationally like this,” said Shiddiq.

The Director of the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, SE., Ph.D, responded to the student’s achievement, “In Vocational UI, our students do practice more with the guidance of practitioner lecturers from industry, so that our students are known to have applicative abilities. However, they have to master the theory and apply it through competitions like this.”

Head of the Hospital Administration Study Program, Supriadi, SKM., MARS., added that he hoped that other students could follow in the footsteps of their two colleagues to continue to excel, taking opportunities like Putri and Shiddiq did.

“I believe that every student has their own strengths. Moreover, they have learned various things in class, both in theory and practice, so that their achievements can be an additional provision to face the industrial world after graduation,” said Supriadi.

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