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Mas Achmad Santosa

Universitas Indonesia > Mas Achmad Santosa

Mas Achmad Santosa is currently the Coordinator of the Task Force of the Eradication of Illegal Fishing at the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries or commonly known as Task Force 115. During his tenure, he was able to uncover a number of cases of illegal fishing vessels and other crimes, such as drug smuggling and human trafficking. He is also the man responsible for the plunging of foreign fishing vessels or Kapal Ikan Asing (KIA), which frequently engage in illegal fishing in Indonesian waters. In addition, he served as the Acting Deputy Chairman of KPK in 2009 and founded the Indonesia Center for Environmental Law (ICEL)

Mas Achmad Santosa

Coordinator of the Task Force of the Eradication of Illegal Fishing

Faculty of Law 1983

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