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May 21, 2024


Pilmapres lldikti

Two UI Students Won Best Champion I and II at the Jakarta LLDIKTI Region III Environmental Pilmapres

Two Universitas Indonesia (UI) students won the Best Outstanding Undergraduate Student I and Best Outstanding Diploma Student II in the Regional Student Achievement Selection (Pilmapres) in the Higher Education Service Environment (LLDikti) Region III Jakarta in 2024. The awards were announced at the Regional Outstanding Student Awarding Night at Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Tuesday (7/5). Adnan...
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CC Garuda

Expanding Industrial Internship Opportunities, UI Visited Garuda Indonesia Corporate Communication

As the best university in Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia (UI) explores collaboration opportunities with various partners in an effort to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. In addition to working in education, research, and community service, this collaboration is also related to UI’s effort to realize the “Link and Match” paradigm between the education sector,...
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Perpustakaan Jnatung Institusi

Library “Heart of the Institution” in the Management of Scientific Publishing

In the series of The Crystal of Knowledge Festival 2024, the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Library held a National Webinar “The Role of Libraries in Managing Publishing”. The event, held on Tuesday (7/5), aimed to provide insight into the role of higher education libraries in managing publishing, as well as exploring strategies and best practices to...
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Jakarta Siap

Jakarta is Ready to Become A Global City

“Even though the capital city has moved, Jakarta will continue to support the economy, and transform into a global city,” said Andhika Ajie, Head of the Work Plan Sub-Division of the Jakarta Regional Government (Pemda), in a seminar held by the Center for Urban Development Studies, School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) of the...
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Ayah Temani Anaknya UTBK

Make Dreams Come True, Father Accompanied His Son to the UTBK-SNBT 2024 Test at UI

A total of 25,622 participants in the second wave of the National Test-Based Selection (SNBT) Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) took the test at the Universitas Indonesia (UI), both at UI Salemba Campus and Depok Campus from May 14 to 20, 2024. Until today, a number of parents were still seen accompanying and waiting for their...
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Transformasi Tata Kelola Universitas: Menuju Inovasi dalam Pendidikan Tinggi

Transforming University Governance: Towards Innovation in Higher Education

Higher education is an essential foundation in preparing future generations for global challenges and opportunities. In the face of the complexity of the modern world, ambitious steps are needed to transform university governance and spark innovation in higher education systems around the world, especially Indonesia. This was conveyed by Professor Mark Considine, Professor of Public...
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Evos Kerja Sama

Improving Creative Industry Economy, UI and EVOS Together Create Education and Esports Synergy

As one of the actions to improve the economy of the creative industry in Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia (UI) through its Media Production study program, Vocational Education Program, is building a strategic collaboration with EVOS, one of the largest gaming-entertainment organizations in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. This collaboration is also a concrete step to participate in...
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Collaborative RIset and Excise Taxes to Reduce Plastic Waste

The Center for Sustainability and Waste Management (CSWM) of Universitas Indonesia (UI) together with the Indonesian Polymer Association (HPI) and Plastic and Rubber Indonesia (PRI) held a focus group discussion (FGD) related to the problem of plastic waste in Indonesia. The discussion themed “Plastic (Leaking) in Your River and How to Tax It?” took place...
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UI Master’s Students Won Poster Competition at SARDJITO LEARNING FORUM 2024

The poster “Prototype Electronic Critical-care Pain Observation Tool (e-CPOT)” by Universitas Indonesia (UI) Faculty of Nursing (FIK) Team won 1st place in the Nursing Category at the 2024 Sardjito Learning Forum (SLF) Poster Competition. The poster by seven students of Master of Nursing Science Program, Medical-Surgical Nursing specialization, contains information about the prototype of pain...
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