Professor in Economics with a Google H-Index 14 means that he is ranked first in Indonesia for citing the RePEC version of scientific work. Before his position as Rector of UI 2019-2024, he served as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business. In addition to academic activities at FEB UI, he is a member of the East Asian Economist Association and a visiting professor at several leading campuses in Australia and the United States
He was confirmed as a professor in 2019. His last position before becoming vice-Rector was Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Lecturer in the Department of Accounting. Before being appointed as Vice Rector, he served as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business.
Lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia. Before being appointed to the position of Vice Chancellor, she served as Director at the Directorate of Research and Innovation.
He is a lecturer at Faculty of Engineering which previously served as Vice Rector for Human Resources and Cooperation. Currently, he is entrusted with the position of Human Resources and Asset.
She is an expert in Food Health, Maternal and Child Health, and Adolescent Reproductive Health. Before she was appointed University Secretary, she served as the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health.