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Assistance on IPR from FAS UI for Megamendung Jaya Village Residents, Bogor

Universitas Indonesia > News > Faculty of Administration News > Assistance on IPR from FAS UI for Megamendung Jaya Village Residents, Bogor

Intellectual Property Rights or IPR is the right to obtain legal protection for intellectual property in accordance with applicable laws. An understanding of IPR needs to be known to the public, especially villages that have potential and assets in an effort to build the village economy.

One village that is currently fighting for its Intellectual Property Rights related to its assets is Megamendung Jaya Village, Bogor Regency. In an effort to build the village economy, Megamendung Jaya Village Owned Enterprises (VOE) is making a number of internal strengthening efforts, with various assets already owned, such as coffee plantations, VOE clinics, and also various other businesses.

“Today, village growth comes from strengthening the potential of the village itself. VOE is one of the vital instruments in achieving this growth. Therefore, strengthening VOE needs to be done, especially how to strengthen its potential, synergize the potential with SDGs, including how to plan and support legal documents,” said Teguh Kurniawan, Head of the Community Service Team (Pengmas) of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences UI (FAS UI) who conducted the introduction activity. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and IPR to support Megamendung Jaya VOE.

This community service was conducted in collaboration with Megamendung Jaya VOE. Through this collaboration, the Department of Public Administration FAS UI presented one of the experts in Public Administration Law, Dr. Ima Mayasari, M.H., to provide training on the preparation of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), including types of agreements, and of course Intellectual Property Rights.

VOE administrators gained an understanding of the essence of drafting an MoU, maintaining the commitment of the agreement, including increasing awareness of potential misuse of the agreement. Ima Mayasari led a discussion to exchange experiences about the twists and turns of IPR registration, as well as efforts to find solutions for Megamendung Coffee IPR, so as to encourage initiation and sensitivity to IPR. In addition, this discussion also introduced a number of other Intellectual Property such as Patents, Trademarks, and Trade Secrets as a form of enrichment for Megamendung Jaya VOE.

In an effort to strengthen Megamendung Jaya VOE, Dra. Afiati Indri Wardani, M.Si to discuss the Village Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The discussion began by reintroducing the content of the SDGs, the role of villages in achieving the SDGs, and how villages can contribute to the country, even the world.

In addition, training is also provided in solving various problems faced by VOEs, namely by providing training on the preparation of action plans. In this activity, it was discussed in depth how to use the Logical Framework Approach in dissecting the various problems faced by VOEs, including formulating action plans to resolve these problems.

The VOE administrators also simulated the use of the logical framework approach, in this case choosing one real problem faced by the VOE, and were asked to develop an action plan to resolve the problem. Through this simulation, VOE administrators get an idea of how international organizations such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank can effectively select problems and solve them.


Author: Debie Puspasari | Editor: Maudisha AR

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