Universitas Indonesia (UI), through the Directorate of Research and Development (Risbang) with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) held the University Lecture and Research Tour seminar. This event is a collaboration with Ocean X, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves), the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), and Konservasi Indonesia. With the theme, “Biodiversity, Oceanography and Marine Pollution,” this seminar was conducted on Tuesday, July 9, at the FMIPA UI Pertamina Multidisciplinary Laboratory Building Hall.
The Director of Research and Development, Munawar Khalil, S.Si., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D., stated the challenges currently faced by the ocean, namely the decline in biodiversity and increasing marine pollution. “UI is committed to taking an active role in developing maritime research with multidisciplinary and international collaboration. This acts as the key to advancing and achieving significant independence in the maritime sector by utilizing existing expertise and facilities,” said Munawar.
Some speakers of the University Lecture and Research Tour seminar include Science Program Director OceanX, Dr. Mattie Rodrigue; Lecturer of the Department of Science and Technology IPB, Prof. Agus Saleh Atmadipoera; BRIN researcher, Dr. Pipit Pitriana; Megafauna Scientist, Ismail Syakurachman, and Lecturer of the Department of Biology, Dr. rer. nat. Mufti Petala Patria, M.Sc.
Ocean X is a marine exploration initiative agency dedicated to exploring the world’s oceans, combining sciences, technology, and media to bring out discovery stories, scientific achievements, and the beauty of the sea to the world. The aim is to create a global community consisting of explorers, scientists, and storytellers dedicated to educating, inspiring, and protecting the ocean to encourage positive change.
Dr. Mattie revealed how sea exploration is not only done through research, but also by combining knowledge and interesting underwater life stories. “In every research program, we involve global collaborators to help understand scientific needs in various fields. We work together with scientific institutions, non-governmental organizations, and academic institutions to ensure relevancy and beneficialness,” said Dr. Mattie.
In addition, Dr, Pipit explained that one research with Ocean X on leg 3 uses a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to explore the deep sea. ROV is capable of reaching depths up to 8.000 meters, used to retrieve water samples, sediment, and marine biota. Other than ROV, there are two submersibles, namely Nadir and Neptu. Nadir is focused on media, such as photography and film, while Neptu is specific for research, complete with mechanical arms and suctions to retrieve samples.
Prof. Agus Saleh conveyed an opportunity for Indonesia to realize marine conservation and development. Through this collaboration, Indonesia plays a role in reaching Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on point 14, life below water. Other than that, contributing to international events, such as the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE) and the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
Indonesian seas have the potential to experience marine pollution which results in the breakage of the environment and health of living beings. “Dr. Mufti stated that the increasing number of pollutants, such as plastic bags, bottles, and fishing equipment, can harm or kill marine animals that swallow it or get trapped in it, while microplastics from plastic degradation can enter the marine food chain.
The event organizer received appreciation from the Vice Dean of FMIPA UI, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Budiawan. “This event is hoped to increase understanding and awareness of the academic community and the public on the importance of research and marine biodiversity conservation. Cooperation between education institutions, the government, and conservation organizations like this is vital to ensure marine ecosystem continuity in the future,” he said.