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UI Welcomes New Students!

Universitas Indonesia (UI) braces to welcome new students of the 2022/2023 academic year through a series of activities known as the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB). This year is the first time UI has held PKKMB in a hybrid (online/offline) fashion since the outbreak of Covid-19. This year’s PKKMB is to be held at the Balairung, a convention hall inside UI’s Depok Campus.

The Head of the Bureau of Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure, Dra. Amelita Lusia, M.Si. CPR., said that “UI is ready to welcome new students by introducing them to campus atmosphere. They can try out [UI’s] Yellow Buses. see their respective faculties with their own eyes, visit the university, and witness the atmosphere of the campus where they will study for the next few years. This is a preliminary introduction which takes place before they will attend face-to-face lectures at the end of August 2022.”

Amelia then explained PKKMB’s hybrid proceedings. Fifty percent of all students will attend the events offline on a given day, and the rest will participate online. Students will alternate between online and offline participation. “Preparations have been undertaken to welcome the younger generation, bearers of this nation’s destiny. Different units in UI work together in carrying out [preparations, from] trials to re-checks, so that the events may go on safely and unimpeded, and adhere to health protocols made to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

PKKMB will be carried out over the span of four days, that is, from the 8th to the 11th of August 2022 with the theme “UI Students, One because We are Different.” The choice of theme was prompted by an important element of the character-building process that constitutes PPKMB: acceptance within differences among students. It is expected that UI students will get to know each other and unite and collaborate to achieve great feats in academic research, community service, and within the university.

PKKMB consists of a series of scientific orations and briefings from nationally-acclaimed figures and UI leaders, Orientation to Campus Life (OKK), displays of extracurricular activities (UKM), the 17 August Independence Day ceremony, introduction to University and Faculty Academic System, Student Learning Orientation (OBM), an exhibition of produce by small and medium-size enterprises, batik-making workshop, and, to top it all, a Cultural Exposition. These students will begin their studies on the 29th of August, 2022.

PKKMB is an annual agenda that introduces and prepares new students to student life, guiding them through the transition into mature and independent students, accelerates their adaptation to a new environment, and provides them with the neccesarily tools for achieving success in their pursuit of higher education.

PKKMB is expected to be a venue for the propagation of the five components of GNRM (National Movement for Mental Revolution): Serving Indonesia, Clean Indonesia, Tidy Indonesia, Independent Indonesia, and United Indonesia. Through PKKMB students will eventually become alumni with depth of knowledge, nobility of character, love for the homeland, and global competitiveness.

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