Medina Warda Aulia, a Master’s student of Administrative Sciences Program at Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Indonesia Indonesia (FIA UI) won a gold medal for Indonesia in the rapid chess sport at 2021 SEA Games. Medina and her partner were declared the winners after outdoing the Tie Break (TB) 2 calculation from the host Vietnam....Read More
Uluwatu Orchestra of Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) held a limited meet and greet session for the cast and a teaser screening of the musical film Indah Dalam Praduga (IDP) at Faculty Lounge, new building of Fasilkom UI on May 24, 2022. The event also marked the start of the production process...Read More
The internet tends to form a media that is quick to report rather than a media that is detailed in presenting information. As a result of the shift in online media journalism practices, many online news outlets now rely heavily on pre-packaged news from public relations materials and news agency services. In addition, the pressure...Read More
After holding judging process in an online manner on March 17, 2022. The following is a list of the winners of the news competition in the context of the 72nd Anniversary of the Universitas Indonesia: Online Media Category Winner Journalist Name Media Name News Title Final Score 1st Winner Khaira Ummah Junaed “UI Research...Read More
Prof. Dr. Dra. Taniawati Supali, Professor of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (FKUI), received the Bosscha Medal award from Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) Universities for her outstanding contribution to science, community empowerment, international collaboration, and knowledge sharing. The award was given at the opening ceremony of the BRIN-LDE Academy organized by National Research and Innovation Agency...Read More
“Indonesia has local wisdoms that can counteract and fight radicalism and terrorism. This does not mean that local wisdom is a solution to radicalism and terrorism, but whether the Indonesian people are able to use it for that. Local wisdom is like gold and diamonds that need to be processed. It is not just knowledge,...Read More
The Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure Bureau of the Universitas Indonesia (PR and KIP UI) visited the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Depok on Tuesday (19/4) and the Television Journalism Association (IJTI) Depok City Working Group (Pokja Wartawan) on Thursday (21/4) at the PWI and IJTI-Pokja Wartawan Depok offices, respectively. The event, which was attended...Read More
Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) is a tool to monitor programs so that they run as planned, straight, efficient, and of high quality to contribute to the achievement of the university’s vision and mission. Monitoring is done routinely to check the appropriateness of the intervention based on the set objectives, while evaluation is done at the...Read More
Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the UI Halal Center (UIHC) together with the Postgraduate Program for Middle East and Islamic Studies, continues to improve socialization and halal literacy through various activities, including the “Joint Halal Awareness Movement” week which was held yesterday (Friday, 22 April 2022). ) in Salemba, Jakarta. “This halal awareness movement is UIHC’s...Read More
Sandiaga Salahudin Uno, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, gives congratulation fot the helding of UI Career, Internship, Scholarship, and Entrepreneurship (CISE) Virtual Expo 2022. “Creating business opportunities by utilizing information technology are currently growing. By mastering technology and digital platforms, we will become winners in the national and global...Read More