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Goegraphy (S1)

Universitas Indonesia > S1 > Goegraphy (S1)

Bachelor Programme of Geography

Course Description

The Bachelor Programme of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and the Natural Science UI, aims to provide students understanding of regional perspectives in areal studies, in particular the mastery of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Offered concentrations are: Physical Geography, Areal Studies, and GIS & Remote Sensing.

This programme offers Regular and Parallel Undergraduate Classes, while admission therein may be obtained through the following written examinations: SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and SIMAK-UI. As for parallel classes through SIMAK-UI and PPKB.

Tuition Fee

Based on the UI Rector Decree No. 406/SK?R/UI/2021

An Equitable Operational Tuition Fee is payable by regular undergraduates, varying in accordance with each respective applicant’s economic capability.

The Equitable Operational Tuition Fee varies from Rp 100.000 to Rp 7.500.000. For regular undergraduates, as of 2013, there is no entry fee. This is because the entry fee is subsidized by the government through the Operational Assistance of State Universities.

UI uses the Single Tuition Fee payment system where students pay the unit fee for education that has been determined by the study program and is no longer charged per credit.

Based on the UI Education Fees Decree in 2022

For non-foreign nationals, Parallel undergraduate education costs are fixed. The Operational Tuition Fee amounts to Rp12.000.000,- each semester, while the Entrance Fee, payable on admission, amounts to Rp25.000.000,-.

Tuition fees are also fixed for foreign nationals applying for the Parallel Programme. The Operational Tuition Fee amounts to Rp21.000.000,- each semester, while the Entrance Fee, payable on admission, amounts to Rp20.000.000,-.


FMIPA-UI Dept. of Geography Depok Campus Building H
Depok 16424
Tel: 021 78886680
Fax: 727-0012, 786-6819

Student Admission

Information about requirements, pathways, and the mechanism for new students registration at Universitas Indonesia

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