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Masters in Southeast Asian Studies (Master’s Degree)

Universitas Indonesia > S2 > Masters in Southeast Asian Studies (Master’s Degree)

Masters in Southeast Asian Studies

Course Description

The Southeast Asian Studies Program answers the needs of the market and society for the importance of formal education at the master’s level in Southeast Asian studies and is a “container” that can become an arena for research, study specialization for those who are interested in developing a career in diplomacy, education, journalists, practitioners, politicians, diplomats, researchers, lecturers and anyone who is interested in the diversity of socio-cultural and political phenomena in Southeast Asia.

Admission for the Southeast Asian Studies Master Program is taken through SIMAK UI examination.

Tuition Fee

Based on the UI Rector’s Regulation No. 4 Year 2021

Education Operational Cost of the Southeast Asian Studies Master Program is paid in the amout of Rp8.000.000,00

Development Fund paid only once when entering the program in the amount of Rp8.000.000,00


Student Admission

Information about requirements, pathways, and the mechanism for new students registration at Universitas Indonesia

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