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UI Granted “Honoris Causa” Doctoral Title For Nobel Laureates

Universitas Indonesia > Uncategorized > UI Granted “Honoris Causa” Doctoral Title For Nobel Laureates

Universitas Indonesia (UI) presented Honoris Causa (HC) doctoral title for Nobel Laureates, Dr. Sir Richard John Roberts on Wednesday, February 8th 2017 at Balairung UI Depok.

Sir Richard was granted with HC doctoral title for his achievement and dedication on science and research in biology, such as gen, bacteria, and other genetic materials.

His researches was considered advancing the world and contribute to the health world overall.

In this event, Dr Sir Richard John Roberts also delivered his speech titled “Why You Should Love Bacteria” that trying to provide the insight related to benefits of bacteria.

After the event, he expressed his gratitude “Hopefully there will be more young people that inspired to improve research related to good bacteria, motivated to improve the science,” said him.

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