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Learn to Understand Pluralism in Indonesia and US

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International Office of Universitas Indonesia (UI) held US-Indonesia Partnership Program (USIPP) Jakarta visit closing ceremony. Took place at Aula Terapung Perpustakaan UI, Depok, this event was attended by 12 students several universities in Indonesia and United States (US) that became the participant of  USIPP 2015.\r\n\r\nUSIPP is an annual short course program that is built by bilateral cooperation between US Government and Indonesia, in order to improve culture, religion and political understanding between the two countries. In one month, participant were invited to visit several places in Indonesia and US to witness and experience the implementation of democracy and pluralism in the two countries directly.\r\n\r\nThis year program that brought out “Summer Exchange on Democratic, Society, and Religious Pluralism” theme was participated by six universities that was consist of three reputable universities in Indonesia and three reputable universities in US. Those six universities was Universitas Indonesia (Jakarta), Universitas Gadjah Mada (Yogyakarta), Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya),  Lehigh University, University of Michigan, and Towson University (US). \r\n\r\nIn US, places that was visited among others were Jewish worship place, Islam Community, and the scene of WTC 9/11 tragedy. In Indonesia, participants were invited to do city tour at three big cities (Jakarta, Yogyakarta, dan Surabaya) in order to understand culture and democracy implementation in Indonesia. At Jakarta, participants visited several places, such as KPK Building, Istiqlal Mosque, Katedral Jakarta, and Saung Angklung Mang Udjo. USIPP participants were also did dialog with several commissioner at DPR/MPR building.\r\n\r\nPlaces that were chosen as visits destination were considered represent healthy pluralism and democracy in Indonesia. “Istiqlal Mosque and Katedral Jakarta that is located side by side do each religion activities peacefully, instead sharing parking area,” said Evan, one of USIPP participant from Lehigh University.\r\n\r\nUSIPP facilities consists of ticket, visa, accommodation and consumption during visiting the two countries. This program can only be participated by students of Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences that pass the open recruitment system selection that is hold by organizer universities.

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