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Supporting The Growth of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Indonesia– Held Young Entrepreneur Challenge (YEC)

“This program aims to develop the entrepreneurial ecosystem at Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Indonesia and encourage new creative ideas from young people, especially students, to be able to create new independent businesses to create jobs for others. Moreover, business is changing because of the industrial revolution 4.0, digital ecosystem, disruptive innovation, or a pandemic that has changed the way people do business and shop,” said Prof. Dr. Chandra Wijaya, M.Sc., M.M., Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (FIA UI) in the Young Entrepreneur Challenge (YEC) Webinar, last Friday (25/2).

The YEC webinar entitled “The Right Way to Find New Business Ideas” was organized by Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Indonesia together with The event was hosted by Operation Manager Orbitin Indonesia Memorianoys Amazihono and presented three panelists, namely Hendy Setiono (Founder and CEO of Baba Rafi Enterprise), DR (HC) Noni Sri Ayati Purnomo B.Eng., MBA., (President Commissioner of PT Blue Bird), and Jimmy Gani (Founder and CEO of Orbitin).

Founder and CEO Baba Rafi Enterprise or often called Hendy, was the first panelist to share material with the title “10 Steps Towards Culinary Business Success.” Hendy said that he started the kebab business at the age of 19 and now the business has grown overseas.

“The first step in creating a successful business is to make sure you choose the right target market or segment because it is impossible for a business to fit all segments of society. The second step is to prepare a positioningthat is in accordance with the target market for the business customers to be built. Furthermore, also prepare a differentiating concept from other businesses,” said Hendy.

The event continued with the delivery of material from the second panelist, DR. (HC) Noni Sri Ayati Purnomo B.Eng., MBA. He said that entrepreneursmust have passionand the principle of purpose beyond numbers to face challenges in any form.

In her explanation, Noni told the history of the founding of the Blue Bird company, with many challenges in building this business. “The road to success is not linear. It is impossible for us to be big and successful without facing challenges and difficulties. Success must be built with hard work, high discipline, love, and passionfor what we do,” said Noni.

On the same occasion, Jimmy Gani as the third panelist delivered material on how to build a business idea. “Ideas must answer 5W + 1H (What, Who, When, Why, Where, and How), namely why do we need this idea, what is the solution, where is the idea implemented, who is the target market, when to start and build it, and how? way to implement ideas and generate profits,” said Jimmy.

According to Jimmy, experiencing losses in starting a business is a common thing. There is no business that immediately gets a profit, it must suffer a loss if it wants to be sustainable. From that loss, business people must learn from mistakes. Jimmy said, loss is nothing new and ispart of the process in starting a business.


Writer: Debie Puspasari | Editor: Maudisha AR

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