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Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque Provides UI Students with First Lecture on the Value of Religious Moderation

Universitas Indonesia > News > Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque Provides UI Students with First Lecture on the Value of Religious Moderation

Depok (ANTARA) – The Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) is actively holding various activities and spreading the teachings of Rahmatan Lil Alamin Islam by providing UI students with the first lecture on the value of religious moderation.

Chief Executive of the Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque KH. Achmad Solechan, M. Si. at the UI Depok Campus, Thursday, said that the initial lecture was part of efforts to maintain unity, foster attitudes of tolerance, mutual respect and respect between religious communities.

He said that new students are children who have just reached adulthood and are still searching for their identity and are sometimes the main targets of extremists in spreading radical ideas that lead to acts of intolerance and terrorism.

“The aim is to change the state system. This is something we need to be aware of together,” he said.

Director of Prevent Densus 88 AT Polri Brigadier General Pol. Ami Prindani, SIK., M.Si. provided a definition and characteristics of radicals, namely as people who do not tolerate differences and commit violence in the name of religion.

According to him, one of the characteristics of radicals is their exclusive nature and intolerance towards different views.

“We need to be aware that out of Indonesia’s 270 million population, 10 percent have the potential to be exposed to radical ideology. Most of them spread their understanding through social media,” he said.

Senior Lecturer at MPK Islamic Religion UI Dr. K.H. Zakky Mubarak, M.A. said that currently facing a division of thought in Islam, namely literal Islam and liberal Islam.

According to him, literal Islam is an Islamic group that understands religious teachings rigidly and tends to be radical. This group has a narrow understanding of religious issues and views of other religions.

He added that liberal Islamic groups are groups that understand religion freely and emphasize personal freedom in religion and implementing religious law.

“As followers of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, we must adhere firmly to the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. By not being narrow-minded like literalists and free-thinking and tending to make religion easy like liberals,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Moderate Islamic Network, Islah Bahrawi, reminded students not to just read one book. Moreover, don’t just think that the book is the only one that is true.

He invited everyone to read lots of books in order to have broad knowledge and gain different points of view and a broader perspective.

“As young people of the nation, we must not be deceived by political activities in the name of religion. It is important for us to carefully consider how religion is used in a political context,” he said.

In specific, there are currently many clerics who are making religion a political effort to gain power, as happened in Syria.

Islah also invited students to commit to protecting the Indonesian nation, namely always implementing the values ​​of religious moderation in their lives.

“Respect each other and appreciate every difference that exists,” he said.*

Reporter: Feru Lantara

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