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January 2024


Three Young Spokespersons for the 2024 Presidential Candidates Discuss Sustainable Development at UI

For the younger generation, issues of sustainable development, natural resources, the environment, and energy are vital because they are related to their future. Development in sustainability will support a balance between the necessities of current and future generations, including non-exploitative management of natural resources and equitable distribution of benefits to Indonesian society. On the other...
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UI Received Grants for Two Cars and Four Sets of Car Engines to Support Sustainable Research

UI has been committed to supporting science and research development but also strives to adapt to current developments through technology. Therefore, UI was honored when its strategic partner, PT Honda Prospect Motor, handed over the Car and Car Engine Grant Objects in the UI Administration Center Building, Depok Campus, on Friday (26/ 01). Deputy Chancellor...
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UI Researchers: Blockchain Technology and Blue Economy Can Develop Smart Tourism

Smart tourism is a development concept in tourism sectors that utilizes information technology to build tourism experience infrastructure, including tourists’ experience in accessing information before, during, and after traveling. Smart tourism connects all parts of the tourism value chain into a dynamic digital platform so tourists can create and produce experiences with service providers in...
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UI Achieved Top Institutions in Indonesia According to Nature Index Version of the Scientific Publication

Depok, 30 January 2024. After receiving an award from The Conversation Indonesia as the Most Productive Institution for Writing Popular Scientific Articles, the Nature Index again declared UI to be the best university in Indonesia. The Nature Index is an open-source database of author affiliations that aims to track their contributions to research articles. Besides...
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UI Received Donations from the Daya Bhakti Education Foundation to Support the Tri Dharma of Higher Education

Depok, 30 January 2024. UI Endowment Fund was launched in 2015 to collect several funds that will be managed to support the Tri Darma of Higher Education without reducing the principal value of the funds. The Endowment Fund is important because UI can seek legal funding based on the Regulation of the Board of Trustees...
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UI Organized Program to Increase Global Absorption of Nursing Staff

Depok, 30 January 2024. UI has partnered with the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA). This collaboration is expected to attract a workforce of UI graduate nurses. If we look at the Indonesian scale, the Indonesian Ministry of Health estimates that Indonesia will produce 46,865 graduates from nursing education institutions every year from 2011 to...
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UI: The Most Productive Institution according to The Conversation Indonesia

January 26, 2024. In 2022 and 2023, UI won an award from The Conversation Indonesia as the Most Productive Institution in Indonesia for writing popular scientific articles. This year, awards were presented at the 2023 TCID Author Awards online. Of the hundreds of universities and research institutions registered with TCID, UI has contributed to producing...
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Exercise, Balanced Diet, and Provision of Natural Ingredients for Pregnant Women to Prevent Stunting

January 27, 2024. UI inaugurated three professors from the Faculty of Medicine, chaired by UI Chancellor Prof. Ari Kuncoro. One of them is Prof. Dr. dr. Siti Farida, M.Kes., Ph.D., professor in Medical Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine UI. At her inauguration, Prof. Siti Farida delivered a speech “The Role of Exercise, a Balanced Diet, and...
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Experimental Pathology Maximizes the Potential of Natural Ingredients as Drug Complements

Prof. Dr. Drs. Kusmardi, M.S. inaugurated as a Professor in Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine UI Salemba on Saturday (27/1). He delivered a scientific oration entitled “The Role of Experimental Pathology in Supporting the Acceleration of the Use of Natural Ingredients as Complements to Medicine in Indonesia”. The inauguration was led by the Chancellor, Prof....
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Triple Burden of Malnutrition Becomes a Challenge for Indonesia’s Golden Generation

Indonesia is a global model in development and health, yet Indonesia has three hurdles of nutritional problems, such as malnutrition, overweight, and micronutrient deficiencies in mothers, children, and adolescents. This statement was conveyed by Prof. Dr. dr. Rina Agustina, M.Gizi, in her inauguration speech as professor on Saturday (27/1), in the IMERI Hall of Faculty...
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