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Office Administration Holds Webinar Straight from Doha, Qatar

Universitas Indonesia > News > News Highlights > Office Administration Holds Webinar Straight from Doha, Qatar

Author: Rizky Syahputra | Translator: jasper

The Vocational Program of Office Administrator held a webinar on Saturday (9/10/2021) in which Defiandry Taslim, SE., AK., SH.,, Director of Group Finance and Taxation of Ooredoo Qatar appeared as a speaker.

The webinar, titled “How to plan your career as a professional manager in foreign companies”, was held live from Doha, Qatar. Mr. Taslim delivered several points on preparing international post-graduation careers.

In the welcome address, Dede Suryanto, the Head of the Financial and Banking Administration Program, stated that the webinar not only in opened new horizons towards students and instructors participating in the webinar, but also served as a good starting motivation in obtaining the competence necessary to face digital economic challenges, which are borderless in nature.

Mr. Taslim, more frequently referred to by his sobriquet Mas Defi, explained several important points in planning an international career. The first is motivation and goals — an important requirement for those planning an international career, because motivation is one of the most important assets in any career.

Another important asset that can help towards achieving an international career is a linguistic one. Acquisition of foreign languages will greatly help progress towards international careers. “Besides English,” Mas Defy explained, “we also need to master other foreign languages, such as German, French, Arabic, Japan, or Mandarin.”

Proficiency in foreign languages, besides serving as a media of education, serve as a proof of one’s competence in carrying out careers as an expatriate. Defi expounded several factors that induce many people to seek foreign careers. Some of these factors are: better financial rewards, a network of relations from all over the world to be sought — which provides one with a wider view of the world; one more open to differences, prospects of experience on an international level, and a simple desire to travel to other countries in the world.

This notwithstanding, Defi admitted that there are indeed several challenges to be faced by a foreign career. Homesickness was something that Defi has once felt as a participant of an AIESEC exchange program in Finland, being separated from family and friends. But Defi managed to overcome this hurdle.

Other lucrative benefits to be obtained from an international career include the possibility of a better education for one’s children and investments in property, which may be easier to obtain in some countries than in Indonesia. Should one decide to return to the motherland, one would find it easier to obtain jobs — many corporations and agencies are attracted to international job experiences. But the most important thing of all, Defi narrated, is that his dreams of being an expatriate has been fulfilled. He has, at the time of the writing of this article, been an expatriate for 13 years.

Defi, who also founded the Indonesia Tax Specialist Association, kindly shared participants of the webinar several tips for those aiming for an international career, among those being: have a high sense of confidence, try to acquire proficiency in English and other foreign languages spoken and written — a sure determiner of career development, try to acquire international certification issued by American or European agencies, be open-minded when corporations asks to perform ‘new things’, that is, things outside one’s routine.

Do not hesitate to express opinions or feedbacks, Deni advised, because doing so shows one’s professionalism, and professionalism is always looked upon favourably, and will bestow one opportunity towards better careers. “Always develop your career and do the best you can.”

When applying for jobs, always be confident and “keep your best performance,” Defi advised. He specifically warned against being too focused on salaries during job applications.

He also admonished against discussing several issues, for instance those pertaining to politics or race, in social media, because many big companies have agencies dedicated to background checks and speaking ill of companies one was formerly employed it, because doing so could adversely affect one’s reputation among future prospective employers. “In general, companies who seek to recruit you will ask for testimonies on your performance from your former employers.”

Defiandry Taslim is an 1993 alumnus of the Vocational Program of Accounting, UI. He also took his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the same university, the former in Law and the latter in Public Administration.

The webinar, attended by 200 people of varying backgrounds, was closed by a photo session of the contributors, moderators, and all other participants of the webinar.

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