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The Role of Nursing in Facing Climate Change

Universitas Indonesia > News > Faculty of Nursing News > The Role of Nursing in Facing Climate Change

The Faculty of Nursing UI research team participated in the 13th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum with the theme “Nurse’s Impact on Planetary Health.” FIK UI exhibited the results of its education research carried out at Monash University and the University of Melbourne in scientific posters. The seven posters are the results of abstracts that passed the selection at the end of 2023. This conference took place at Hong Kong University Med LKS Faculty of Medicine, School of Nursing by collaborating with 47 of the best universities from different countries as co-organizers.

“Nurses play an indispensable role in shaping the health of the planet through their involvement in various aspects such as patient care, education, research, and health policy development,” said Professor Chia-Chin Lin, Director of Nursing School, University of Hong Kong.

One of the scientific posters presented was “Knowledge Towards Climate Change and Its Impact on Reproductive Health among Indonesian Women.” He seemed to summarize a study of Indonesian women over 18 years old. The study aims to assess their knowledge about climate change and its impact on health, especially reproductive health and menstrual disorders. The results of the research showed that 75.51% of respondents did not know the relationship between climate change and menstrual disorders.

“This highlights the lack of knowledge among Indonesian women, especially those of reproductive age, about reproductive health and its relationship to climate change. This poster ends by emphasizing the importance of increasing women’s understanding to prevent unexpected reproductive disorders,” said Ajeng Pribadi Salam, a member of the Faculty of Nursing UI research team.

Meanwhile, another poster that was presented was “Can Spirituality be Used in Mitigating Climate Change?”. This poster describes the role of spirituality in views, attitudes, and practices in dealing with climate change. The survey was conducted on 727 female respondents in Indonesia, and the results revealed that most respondents have spiritual values, with 58.26% stating that climate change occurs naturally and has a close relationship with nature.

Regarding sources of information related to climate change, respondents answered that they were the internet (91.32%), television (49.59%), and places of worship. NS. Qurrata Aini, S.Kep. concluded that preventing adverse impacts due to climate change requires an effective and sustainable approach in Indonesia. Apart from that, exploratory qualitative research is needed to determine the positive influence of spirituality on climate change mitigation in Indonesia and how the religious environment and religiosity can act as a mitigator in dealing with climate change.

At the conference, another poster that was also presented was entitled “The Palliative Care Needs of Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): A Case Study” by the first author Ns. Rona Cahyantari Merduaty, S.Kep., M.AdvN. The Health Care Systems and Policy category was presented by Rendi Saputra with the title Climate Change Impacts on Genital Herpes Recurrence. Planetary Health Category with the title Influence of Religious Leaders on the Incidence of Eco-Anxiety among Women in Indonesia by Latifah Fajri Nur Azizah; and Indonesian Women’s Awareness of Malnutrition Among Children due to Climate Change by Holivia Almira Jacinta, S.Kep.

In conducting research on the seven posters, the research team was chaired by Ns. Suryane Sulistiana Susanti, S.Kep., M.A., PhD who is also the Principal Investigator. The team consists of Prof. Zerina Tomkins (Monash University), Prof. Ann Borda (University of Melbourne), and from Faculty of Nursing UI, namely Dessie Wanda, S.Kp., M.N., Ph.D.; NS. Indah Permata Sari, Sp.Kep.Kom.; NS. Rona Cahyantari Merduaty, S.Kep., M.AdvN.; and several Faculty of Nursing UI students, Ns. Qurrata Aini, S.Kep.; Holivia Almira Jacinta, S.Kep.; Private Ajeng Greetings; Rendi Saputra; and Latifah Fajri Nur Azizah.

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